08 December, 2008

Start Writing...

"Start writing..." tells us to do something. Its not just the message but its the way to bring your sleeping inner voice out (for me atleast). This blog is more for me than others. Y? just go through it. You'll learn that. If you(and me also) get inspired by 0.1% also, i'll think that its worth writing this.

There are times when you want to do something.
After watching movie, reading book, incident happened around you/in your nation/in the world, for short time (may be hours or days) you feel like doing something. You may want to act, you may want to write, you may want to speak or may be kill someone.

Just ask yourself, didnt you felt anything like this? Let me give you some cases, you might correlate at lease one of them to your life.

-Most common is being "Short tempered"... This last for shortest time...
-Watching romantic/patriotic movies... this is other common form and its effect last for relativly higher time
-Reading books on past incident, romance(again), stories about persons like you...
-Achievement by state/country (like some space missions)
-Some unusual incident like terrorist activities...
-Death of some nearer person because of some unusual/unacceptable reason...
-Political games spoiling your country/state/locality...
There are may more.

If you havent felt anything like this, reading ahead will be waste of time for you.

So, what you ACTUALLY do when you are in that period?
-You may think to do many a things but some of them will not be in your control and for others you'll blame former things which are not in your control.
-You may think that "I dont have time now or I'll do it tomorrow". An then, tomorrow never comes.
-You may start doing at least something, but later on because of SOME reasons you may end up acting on it.

what happens after that short period?
You FORGET things. The enthusiasm goes away. You start living in your earlier ecosystem which is without motivation, without that enthusiasm. Remember friends, I am talking about people of India, MY COUNTRY(It may be applicable to people of other part of the world, but I am not sure and hence I won't claim on it).

It may not be you but yes, its 99.50% of the population. I am also a part of that 99.50% of the population.

why "I" am writing this?
I am in that short enthusiam period now which made me write this.

"WHY" i am writing this?
To awake myself. Whenever I feel that enthusiam is melting down, I should find some issues to re-inject that enthusiasm.

Why i am writing "THIS"?
So you can relate it with your life and act when you feel and not to wait for tomorrow.

Your comments are welcome, for making me/this article/yourself better, for your inputs, for making me write on some other topics and for the things I haven't mentioned here.